Returns: once your items/products are delivered, you have up to 2 (two) days from the date of delivery within which you can return them and be entitled to a full refund. Returns made after the first two days will not be accepted.
Returns will be accepted only if the item is damaged and you can provide proof that it was damaged during shipping to you, or that the product did not meet our quality standards. We take care to provide the best quality product to our customers and products will be checked for quality before they are shipped/delivered to you. Products that do not meet our quality requirements will not be shipped/delivered to our customers.
We shall only accept returns for items that are in the condition that they were shipped to the customer.
Items that have been stained by food, drink, ink or anything else that leaves a mark will not be accepted.
Items that are damaged with a tear or cut will not be accepted
Items that have been laundered will not be accepted.
If you wish to return an item, do not remove any tags or labels. Items that are returned will have all their tags in place
All returned merchandise must be returned in its original packaging.
After three days, all sales are FINAL and no returns will be accepted.
If there is a problem with your order, please be sure to contact us immediately.
We do not reimburse shipping/delivery or return fees and returns will be shipped back to us at the customer’s cost.
Returns instructions: If you wish to return an item, please include a receipt and/or tracking number. If you are unable to provide these, your return request shall not be accepted.
Exchanges: Product exchanges will only be made for ill-fitting items that are returned in accordance with the requirements previously stated. You may return an item in exchange for another of the same or different color, with a different size, for the same price.
If no item of that type is available, customers may choose another item for the same price.
No cash refunds will be made for product exchanges.